If it involves the government… or it’s costing you money, we can help.

But, Do You Even Lift?

We do! We’re active accountants, and we’ve been in the industry a long time because we love it. We understand your lifestyle, the ins and outs of the business, and the need to work out for sanity. That’s why we get along with our clients so well.

0 $
Average Monthly Profit

Added to Your Bottom Line

0 hours
Time Saved Monthly

in Bookkeeping Work

0 $
Money Saved

on Taxes Per Year

We Work With Every Type of Fitness Business

We work with brick and mortar fitness locations who need monthly accounting, tax services, or advisory support to run, grow and understand their business in order to maximize profitability.

Is The Fitness CPA Right For You?

Our clients are in the sweet spot between Personal Trainer and Private Equity Firm.

If you’re a single location, multi-location, franchisee or franchisor, The Fitness CPA is a great fit.

Annual or projected annual revenue greater than $500,000

You have 2-100 employees

You’re constantly looking for ways to improve your business

You don’t mind changing up a few old habits to achieve better results

You value advice (and are ready to use it!)

You’re ready to hand over all of your accounting needs to the experts

Your virtual, national accounting firm

Wherever you are in the U.S., we can work with you. Location isn’t an issue. If you’re local, we’d love to meet, get a workout in. We’ll leave the tax and accounting stuff for when we’re both comfortable behind our computers.