Category Archives: Business Ownership

Understanding The Balance Sheet For Gyms

balance sheet for gyms

Running a fitness business is all fun and games until your accountant starts talking about income statements and balance sheet for gyms.  Suddenly, you’re lost in terms that sound important but don’t make much sense. You probably know they’re key to understanding your business’s financial health, but they can still feel overwhelming. And it’s not […]

Should You Buy a Fitness Franchise Now?

Fitness Franchises After Pandemic

From time to time, we make guest appearances over on the popular podcast, All Things Franchising, where we share our insights on gym franchising and the fitness industry as a whole. If you haven’t tuned in yet, All Things Franchising is hosted by Linda Ballesteros of Mpower Franchise Consulting, a consulting company that helps new […]

It’s Time to Ditch Your Free Introductory Offer

Ditch the Intro Offer

If you’re in the fitness industry, chances are you’ve offered a free introductory promotion to new members. Free class, free week, free month – you name it! And while this may be a popular tool to get people in the door, is it really the best approach to growing your business? At The Fitness CPA, […]

How To Build & Expand Your Fitness Network

Trainers and fitness coaches talk a lot about doing the “extra 1%”; a principle that when consistently applied, transforms seemingly small actions into noticeable progress.  For those committed to fitness, the “extra 1%” could mean doing the extra rep, using your best form even when the instructor isn’t watching, or finishing the final 30 seconds [...]

Hidden costs and risks of mixing business and personal expenses

Mixing business and personal expenses

Are you a fitness business owner? Then, you know that hiring instructors is a crucial decision. One of the key choices you’ll face is whether to classify them as employees or independent contractors. In this post, we’ll help you navigate this decision by exploring the factors you should consider, the risks involved, and when it’s suitable to use each option. Get ready to make an informed choice!

Paying Workers: Employees vs. Contractors for Gyms & Fitness Businesses?

Employees vs contractors in gyms

Are you a fitness business owner? Then, you know that hiring instructors is a crucial decision. One of the key choices you’ll face is whether to classify them as employees or independent contractors. In this post, we’ll help you navigate this decision by exploring the factors you should consider, the risks involved, and when it’s suitable to use each option. Get ready to make an informed choice!