Author Archives: Eric Killian

How To Build & Expand Your Fitness Network

Trainers and fitness coaches talk a lot about doing the “extra 1%”; a principle that when consistently applied, transforms seemingly small actions into noticeable progress.  For those committed to fitness, the “extra 1%” could mean doing the extra rep, using your best form even when the instructor isn’t watching, or finishing the final 30 seconds [...]

Hidden costs and risks of mixing business and personal expenses

Mixing business and personal expenses

Are you a fitness business owner? Then, you know that hiring instructors is a crucial decision. One of the key choices you’ll face is whether to classify them as employees or independent contractors. In this post, we’ll help you navigate this decision by exploring the factors you should consider, the risks involved, and when it’s suitable to use each option. Get ready to make an informed choice!

Employee Retention Credit 101: A Complete ERC Guide for Tennis Clubs & Racquetball Clubs

ERC for tennis & racquetball clubs

Are you a fitness business owner? Then, you know that hiring instructors is a crucial decision. One of the key choices you’ll face is whether to classify them as employees or independent contractors. In this post, we’ll help you navigate this decision by exploring the factors you should consider, the risks involved, and when it’s suitable to use each option. Get ready to make an informed choice!

What is a Deemed Election and How Does it Affect Your Employee Retention Credit Refund?

Deemed Elections_ERC

Are you a fitness business owner? Then, you know that hiring instructors is a crucial decision. One of the key choices you’ll face is whether to classify them as employees or independent contractors. In this post, we’ll help you navigate this decision by exploring the factors you should consider, the risks involved, and when it’s suitable to use each option. Get ready to make an informed choice!

Paying Workers: Employees vs. Contractors for Gyms & Fitness Businesses?

Employees vs contractors in gyms

Are you a fitness business owner? Then, you know that hiring instructors is a crucial decision. One of the key choices you’ll face is whether to classify them as employees or independent contractors. In this post, we’ll help you navigate this decision by exploring the factors you should consider, the risks involved, and when it’s suitable to use each option. Get ready to make an informed choice!

How Much Cash Can You Get Back From The Employee Retention Credit?

Is ERC Worth the Hassle

If you’re anything like our current clients, you’re probably skeptical of just how much you can get back in tax refunds and credits from the Employee Retention Credit.  $34,000? $116,000? $365,000!? These are real numbers! More importantly, these are real amounts of cash being received by fitness businesses and gyms across the country thanks to […]

Is The Employee Retention Credit Worth The Hassle?

Employee Retention Credit for Gyms

Like most good things in life, you have to ask yourself:  Is the reward worth the effort?  When it comes to getting that last wrinkle out of your linen shirt, we’d say the answer is probably “no”.  If we’re talking about potentially receiving tens of thousands of dollars back for your business after an incredibly […]

Gyms & Vaccinations: Your Top Questions Answered

gyms and covid vaccines

Today’s guest post is by The Fitness CPA’s recommended human resources company, ERG HR.  If you haven’t yet heard of ERG for fitness HR services, we strongly recommend you check them out! Most fitness business leaders don’t have the time or expertise to properly manage HR compliance. ERG created a simple framework that combines people […]