Category Archives: Business Ownership

Opening a Gym or Fitness Studio in 2021? Part I: Read This First

Opening a Gym in 2021_The Fitness CPA

We recently made a guest appearance over on the popular podcast, All Things Franchising, where we shared our insight on opening a gym in 2021 and the future of the fitness industry. If you haven’t tuned in yet, All Things Franchising is hosted by Linda Ballesteros of Mpower Franchise Consulting, a consulting company that helps new […]

Gyms Will Rebound in 2021

Gyms Will Rebound in 2021_The Fitness CPA

What a year it was. As we turn the corner into 2021, the lingering question on every gym owner’s mind is: what happens next? Will virtual workouts rule the world? Or are gym goers aching to get back into their in-person gym routine? We’re here to share the good news: the fitness industry is getting […]

PPP Round 2.0 $$$ and More Government Help That You Deserve

PPP 2.0 Everything you need to know

No fluffy introduction here. You know the deal. If you’re here then you’re a fitness business that needs the skinny on how the new tax bill impacts your business and how to get the most upside from it. So, let me give you the need-to-know info without all the confusing details. Skip ahead to a […]

How important are Google reviews for gyms and fitness studios?

We’ve all heard the expression that “location, location, location!” matters when it comes to the success of restaurants. But have you heard the one that goes, “reviews, reviews, reviews” leads to the success of gyms and fitness studios? We’re making it an expression now. Google reviews are the #1 way gym businesses can increase their […]

Difficult Decisions Fitness Business Owners Need to Make Now

decisions to make fitness business owners

We recently made a guest appearance over on a popular fitness podcast, The Fitness Founders Podcast. If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s a weekly podcast put on by the guys at Glofox to discuss all things fitness, entrepreneurship & business with inspirational* fitness industry leaders. (*Their words, not mine.) You can check out […]

Finally… The Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (Explained)

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 Explained

First off, this post is about the changes to the PPP program in the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 only. If you want a full breakdown of the PPP program please check out other blogs which go into much more detail. Second, we understand you are frustrated, and the changes are two months […]

This Is Why It’s Not Too Late to Get Thousands in PPP & EIDL $$$

We know you’re frustrated – we are too. But if you’re a gym or fitness studio, please read this blog closely. This may be your final opportunity to obtain thousands of dollars in PPP and EIDL funds (or to be next in line if they are refunded at a later time).   If you’d rather […]

More PPP Funding is Coming. Act Now and Get Thousands $$$

We’re not pitching accounting services today, hell, you might not be open next month if you don’t get some cash coming in. Today, we’re getting you money from the next round of PPP funding so you can keep your business open. Do you want to keep fighting and keep your business alive? Then read on […]