More PPP Funding is Coming. Act Now and Get Thousands $$$

We’re not pitching accounting services today, hell, you might not be open next month if you don’t get some cash coming in. Today, we’re getting you money from the next round of PPP funding so you can keep your business open.

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More PPP Funding is Coming. Act Now and Get Thousands $$$

There Will be More PPP Funds, Will You Get Them?

Let’s cut to the chase. Funds for the PPP program ran out within 13 days of the program being launched. But additional funds will be allocated to the PPP program. It’s possible the senate may pass another bill as soon as Tuesday April 21st. From there, the Senate bill goes to the House of Representatives and then to the President. As soon as Wednesday, additional funding of $300-$500 Billion is projected to be added to the program, but it could easily be another week while politicians sort their differences.

[UPDATE April 21, 2020 5pm MT – the Senate passed the bill.  Now it moves onto the house for voting on Thursday.  If it goes smoothly, the president could be signing as early as Friday.  It could also take a few more days if the House doesn’t agree on the bill entirely.  Now is the critical window to get your application for PPP in, update, and finalized with your lender]


So, how do you get some of that cash to help your struggling business? Read on or Skip to Your Next Action Steps to Get Your PPP Money are Here.


Why I’m Pissed About PPP and You Should Be Too

If you are among the 96% who applied and did not get funds you may be feeling a flood of emotions – from angry and confused to sad and resigned to never receiving funds.

Do NOT give up! This is not a cheerleading session.

We’re going to show you how to get in the next phase of PPP funds and get the money you deserve.

But let me clear: I am pissed off and I’m angry. My blood pressure is high and my wife has asked me to stop yelling obscenities at the computer more than once. And fair warning, this email contains more than a few choice words. If that might bother you, you should stop reading now… because I’m really fucking pissed.


Corporate Bailouts and Screwing Over Small Business Owners

Small businesses have been robbed by congress and big business via the Paycheck Protection Program. Let me say it again, your money has been stolen in a planned and orchestrated attack. Why do you think politicians involved the bankers to disperse funds rather than the SBA? Because it was faster? Riiiiiight. I’m not a conspiracy blogger so let me stick to the facts:


Hold My Beer

Are you pissed yet? If not, hold my beer and let me show you why this is socialism for the rich, and capitalism for true small business owners.

This is when you and every one you know needs to write your representatives and tell them what small business is. Small business is <25 employees. Heck, even <50 employees. And we won’t be so blatantly lied and stolen from.

· Senator:

· Congressman:

This is the 2008’s TARP money all over again. I knew we were going to get screwed, but I at least thought $349 Billion (a measly 15.9% of the entire $2.2 Trillion) was going to actually be for smaller business owners.


Get Off Your Ass!

You cannot sit idle. Get to work and get yourself some damn PPP funds. You deserve it. 

How you ask? Read on… we’ve put together a guide of your next action steps for getting your PPP money depending on where you are in the PPP process.


Here are the next steps you must take in order to increase your chances of securing Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds depending on where you are in the process:

Which part of the PPP lending process are you at?


You Need To Apply

Ask a Direct Question

We hope this has helped to answer some of your questions. If you still have specific questions you’d like answered, we invite you to submit them anonymously here. We’ll round up all of the questions, and answer them fully in our next Q&A (If you aren’t on our mailing list, you can sign up here.)

In the meantime, check out our COVID-19 Resource Hub where we’ve compiled our latest blog posts & YouTube videos along with third-party resources that we find valuable. There is some great stuff in there.

As always, we’re here to help. If none of the above helps you out – feel free to send us a message here. We’ll get back in touch in 24 hours.

Eric Killian
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